M.Arch in Architecture (RIBA Part 2)

Coral Hazeldine Year 6 2023

The Park Square New Municipality Complex: A Utopian Response to a Postcapitalist World

In a 2050 New Municipal-postcapitalist world, Sheffield City Council along with a newly established ENABLE Sheffield (a proposed Joint Venture made up of influential charities working in Sheffield) have come together to create an infrastructure complex that provides communal access to facilities which enables charities and local organisations around Sheffield to perform their activities, thus celebrating the Third Sector.

Using this municipal approach to design, the schedule of accommodation has been determined by the activities and duties of the charities inhabiting the complex. This embeds the bottom-up, citizen-led engagement approach to providing care to the community in this Social Economies world. The design enlists techniques from Modern Methods of Construction to be sensitive to its context, and ever-evolving to the future needs of the city.