BSc. Architecture (RIBA Part 1)

Jacob Roberts Year 3 2023

Museum of Water, Rotterdam

Our perceptions of concepts are often overshadowed by our superimposition of appearances, but should this prevent us from critiquing the layers that lie beneath to uncover their true significance?

Three large masses originally extruded to represent functional and stable elements to the design that emerge from the water. It is through the manipulation of these seemingly stable elements that the genuine essence of ‘The Icebergs’ is revealed. By juxtaposing them within a structure of collision and fragmentation, the construct become clear to articulate movement and a sense of warning towards the climate crisis of fragmenting ice caps and rising sea levels upon the boarders of Rotterdam. It is within this disarray that the fabric of uncanny space is woven, provoking a multitude of experiences, and evoking a profound engagement with the built environment of the city’s ‘Here and There’ approach. We as architects take a responsibility to create experience in space, therefore what we design deserves a purpose, meaning whether that is by acting or provoking action.